Thursday, February 19, 2009


So they found Stanford. How long does it take for the message to sink in: if it sounds too good to be true, it is? It's like the guy doing 90 down the freeway, who doesn't wonder why he's passing everyone else so vigorously and/or doesn't use the speedometer?

Speaking of driving, a longstanding pet peeve area of mine, whatever happened to the complete stop? The evil influence of Boston, where the red eight-sided signs are taken as helpful hints for drivers, has apparently spread to the rest of the nation.

In addition to the initialed diseases I mentioned awhile ago, I suffer from a couple other curious maladies. One indeed bears ititials: CRS (Can't Remember Shit). Another refers to a previous sufferer: Dunlap's Disease (my stomach done lapped over my belt...). I really did have macular pucker, otherwise known as cellophane retinopathy, but it cleared up. This, being inside the eyeball, was for a bit as great a concern as the recent urethral fun became.

And now you need to understand how the universe works, through two theories I have developed and used over the past years and which help clarify things.

First is the Souffle theory, which explains the stock market. In a souffle, there is milk, there are eggs, and there is hot air. Your challenge is to determine how much of each is out there. About eight years ago, I called 7500 as the milk-and-eggs point; that number was tested today. We'll see.

Next is the Oak Tree theory, which covers entire industries and explains contractions and expansions. The examples I have pointed to are the publishing and brewing industries.

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